2016 has been an exciting year for iMathematics. Here we take a look back at some of the highlights.
Stuff We’re Thinking About
News and thoughts for the Mobile Metaverse.
Arriva Tootor, l’Uber delle lezioni private che stravolge il modo di insegnare
LONDON, UK – December 9, 2015 – Mobixee Ltd, azienda leader nel settore educativo su smartphone, ha oggi annunciato il lancio in Italia dell’app per iOS denominata Tootor, una piattaforma per offrire e trovare lezioni private con un tocco. Dopo un periodo di beta di successo, ora Tootor è disponibile in soft-launch in Italia e offre ancora più possibilità di apprendimento con i centinaia di Insegnanti presenti sulla piattaforma già dal giorno del lancio. L’app è disponibile su iPhone, iPad e iPod Touch con iOS 8 o successivi, e si prevede il rilascio nei prossimi giorni anche della Web App e dell’app Android.
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Humy: disponibile su AppStore Italia
Un gioco per iPhone che ti permetterà di iniziare una nuova vita!
LONDRA – 18 Giugno 2015 – Disponibile da oggi, su AppStore Italia, Humy per iPhone: un gioco che permetterà di intraprendere un viaggio su un’isola e iniziare una nuova vita. Il giocatore, una volta arrivato sull’isola, farà conoscenza con diversi abitanti e potrà creare un personaggio, oltre a poter decorare la propria casa con oltre 150 oggetti d’arredo differenti e stravaganti. Continue reading …
iMathematics, iPhysics & iChemistry for Apple Watch
When we have developed iMathematics, we wanted to put all the knowledge about math within a very small app. This subject, in fact, is certainly the most extensive and complex of all, with thousands of formulas that we must remember to solve all the different problems that can be met at school or at the university. Over the years we have added many features, making the app even more complete, for example by adding calculators and quizzes. But iMathematics has always been a simple quick form, to be consulted during homework or class exercises, when we don’t remember exactly “that formula” that will allow us to solve the problem. Continue reading …
AppStore: 10 Spectacular Apps developed in Italy
On May 2014, when we still were an Italian Company, has appeared a new section on the italian AppStore called “AppStore Essentials: 10 spectacular apps developed in Italy”, and we are delighted to see that iMathematics Pro has been chosen by Apple as one of these 10 fantastic apps! Thank you Apple!
Best App 2011 iTunes Rewind
iMathematics continues to be one of our most award-winning applications, not only from our users, but also by Apple that, in 2011, has selected iMathematics as the third best application on the Italian AppStore.
iMathematics at SMAU Mob App Awards 2013
For the third year, SMAU, PoliHub and Observatories of the School of Management of Politecnico di Milano promote SMAU Mob App Awards, a contest that aims to reward the best APP in business and consumer categories (already functioning or under development) based on next-generation mobile devices (New Tablet, Smartphone, etc.). Our app iMathematics was one of the three finalists apps in the category “Media and Publishing” at SMAU Mob App Awards event in Milan in October 2013. iMathematics has competed with the apps La3 and Fiabe Sonore of Fabbri Editore.
2013 Best Apps by iPhoneitalia.com
Like every year iPhoneItalia proposes a special article dedicated to the 5 best app for each category of the App Store. For the Best of 2013 we have two winners of this award: iCognomi, in the “Utility” category, and iMathematics, in the “Apps for Students” section!